Since the lockdown, I’ve found myself obsessing over breathing new life into my poor neglected house plants. Usually, I find they exist between two extremes: thriving, but I have no idea why or: moments away from death, but I have no idea why. There is, literally, no in-between.
So, to try and shed some light on the matter, the Macramé Master and Terrarium Queen Chloe, from The Copper Cacti, shared her top tips on looking after your pot plants!
1. Don’t think about it too much
Having a watering schedule can mean you end up overwater. Listen and look at your plant, they will tell you when they need I.e. if mushy you are overwatering, if wrinkly and a little crisp they need a water.
2. It’s better to under-water a plant than over water
There is no return from root rot, whereas you can easily bring a plant back from the brink if you haven’t watered it for a while.

3. Do a bit of research.
Ask friends or other people who like plants. Some plants do better in full sunshine while others prefer shade. Especially if you are buying an investment piece, it’s best to know where you are going to put it in advance and if it’s the right plant for the right spot.
4. And finally, have fun!
Plants are meant to be enjoyable! There are some really cool ways to make plants even more enjoyable and stylish such as terrariums and macramé plant hangers…
Check out Chloe and The Copper Cacti @thecoppercacti for all your terrarium and macramé needs, plus more tips and tricks about caring for your plants!